May 20, 2009 WE DID IT !!!!!!!!!!! and WE'RE OPEN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We hosted an Open House for the townsfolk on the 19th of May.
It was a smashing success with well over 300 visitors.
I talked with everyone and was tremendously rewarded by their comments... not only were they very impressed with the Inn's rebirth... but also deeply appreciative of the fact that we did, indeed, rebuild "the crown jewel of Ste. Genevieve!"

More to come soon, including interior photos.

We only had seven days to furnish and decorate... so we're still recovering.

Thank you to you, dear reader, and to ALL our friends.

See you soon!

March 20, 2009 We're almost ready to reopen !!!!!

More info and pics to come very soon. The Contractors are doing a wonderful job... and she looks great !!

First Update, August 14, 2008

Well, it's been a long time, but we finally have something to show off. Today is the 14th of August and the new windows are being installed!

They were manufactured here in Ste. Genevieve. Here's a picture of the delivery... That's our Mayor, Dick Greminger, co-owner of D & S Windows. What a great job they've done !!

Progress is being made in other areas as well. The third floor structure has been completely rebuilt, and the whole house fire sprinkler system is in place again. Rough plumbing and electrical are about halfway done, as well as the new heating and air conditioning. Those systems will, of course, be modern. We have, however, been careful to work to "restore," not just start over. Even the finish carpenters have produced special tools to recreate the 1848 moldings and doors.

Our worst case guess for reopening is now the end of February... one year after the fire.

WE'LL KEEP YOU POSTED, and THANKS SO MUCH for you interest and caring !!!!!!!!!!

Mayor Greminger owns the window manufacturing company here

Progress !!!

Progress !!!
First New Windows

The Phoenix Will Rise Again ! February 21, 2008


Despite seven hours of fighting the fire with nearly 60 firefighters and 250,000 gallons of water...
The Inn stands proudly and strong.

Within days of the fire, tarps were put over the gaping hole that had been the roof and a catastrophe recovery company was on the job (CATCO). Now two weeks later the work continues. Jan is working with the recovery specialists to identify and inventory the waterlogged contents (Monday we start on the basement). Cathy is working hard to contact the guests (difficult since our reservation book was lost).
We have recovered our computer which had our confirmation letter data,
and no credit card information escaped our control.

We are blessed with the support of our wonderful community and want to express our gratitude for the outpouring of support we have received from our friends and previous guests.

Needless to say, WE ARE REBUILDING ! The purpose of this page is to keep everyone who is concerned about our Grand Old Inn up to date with our progress. To our guests who have stayed with us and brought family and friends, please spread the word, keep checking this site for progress updates, and remember...
We'll be back !
And we are still operating Dr. Hertich's House across the street.

The night of the fire

The night of the fire
Eight Alarm !

Now what?

Monday, March 10, 2008

Dear Janet -

I was so sorry to hear about the fire at your inn. It is such a lovely place. My husband and I enjoyed our stay there several years ago. Prayers are with you as you restore the Inn Ste. Gemme to its grandeur.

I also wanted to thank you for your recent donation to our Ronald McDonald House fundraiser. Your generosity is sincerely appreciated. Best wishes as you rebuild.


Ronald McDonald House Volunteer and
Past & Future Guest of Inn Ste. Gemme Beauvais
Dear Jan, Cathy and Janet.

We are sorry to learn of the loss of the Inn. We will keep you in our prayers. What a loss as you know our family feels that we are part of the heritage and will miss our stay this year. We wish you the best of luck for the future and hope that the rebuilding moves smoothly.

Your Friends,
Viney and Steve
Glenn, Ellie and Victoria
Jim and Crystal
Lauren and Christopher

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Hello, I was very sorry to hear about the Inn's burning this past month..Your's was the first Bed and Breakfast that my husband and I had ever stayed at and it sparked a tradition for us and our family. We are a family of 5 brothers (and wives) and every year for Christmas our mother (the matriach) gives us a gift certificate for a different Bed and Breakfast. The first was The Inn St. Gemme Beauvais. Well, this past Christmas we again received a Gift Certificate for a stay at the Inn. Do you have plans to rebuild or rehab? I would love to hear from you with any suggestions. We love the St. Gen area and would look forward to visiting again.

Thank you.


Thursday, March 6, 2008

We have stayed with you twice. Though we never stayed in the Inn itself we did get to go through all the rooms and it is heartbreaking to think of all those beautiful things destroyed or ruined. Of course, our first thought, when we saw it on the news, was that everyone was safe. Thank God for that. Hope each day is a step forward for all of you with restoring the Inn and your spirit.


Monday, March 3, 2008

Jan and Cathy,

I had been having trouble thinking about how to convey to you the feelings I had last weekend when I went to see the Inn. It just has such a big impact on anyone who loves Ste. Gen, and it is hard to even imagine the impact on the two of you who have put so much of yourselves into the place.

Your email sets the right example for all of us – lets regroup and things will fall into whatever order they are meant to fall into.

You already know the support you have in the community. That includes me.


Wednesday, February 27, 2008

My brother and I are deeply sorry to hear about the loss of your beautiful bed and breakfast. Keep your head up and remember that great blessings can often come from terrible disasters.



Tuesday, February 26, 2008

I was absolutely horrified to hear of the devastating fire at Inn Ste. Gemme Beauvais. I was a guest there in October & loved it & hoped to return. I don’t know the extent of the blaze, but hope it may be restored somehow.

Good luck and best wishes,
